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DOB Releases First of Its Kind Multiyear Construction Safety Analysis for New York City

By | June 28, 2021

New York City Department of Buildings For Immediate Release: June 28, 2021 Contact:, (212) 393-2126 DOB RELEASES FIRST OF ITS KIND MULTIYEAR CONSTRUCTION SAFETY ANALYSIS FOR NEW YORK CITY Comprehensive Two-Year Report Coincides with Progress Update on Ongoing Citywide “Zero-Tolerance” Construction Site Safety Sweeps New York, NY – The Department of Buildings (DOB) announced today the release…

White House Reaches Agreement on Infrastructure

By growthzone | June 28, 2021

Monday, President Biden announced a deal with a bipartisan group of U.S. Senators on a framework for an infrastructure package that would provide approximately $1 trillion to address the needs of the nation’s most critical infrastructure, including roads, bridges, and broadband services for Americans.

White House to Hold Meetings on Bipartisan Infrastructure Proposal

By | June 22, 2021

This week, President Biden will host meetings with members of Congress as a bipartisan infrastructure proposal faces a make-or-break week in Washington. The president’s talks this week could mark a final push to find a compromise before Democrats move to pass a multi-trillion, partisan infrastructure plan. While talks are being held, Democrats have also started…

OSHA excludes construction industry from emergency COVID-19 safety rules

By growthzone | June 16, 2021

From: The Daily Reporter By: Nate Beck, June 11, 2021 Construction trade groups are praising the Biden Administration’s decision to exclude the construction industry from new safety rules related to COVID-19. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration issued an Emergency Temporary Standard, or ETS, on Thursday specifically for the health-care industry. In it step, OSHA lays…

Construction Input Prices Rise 4.6% in May; Softwood Lumber Prices Up 154% From a Year Ago, Says ABC

By growthzone | June 15, 2021

  WASHINGTON, June 15-Construction input prices increased 4.6% in May compared to the previous month, according to an Associated Builders and Contractors analysis of U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Producer Price Index data released today. Nonresidential construction input prices increased 4.8% for the month. Construction input prices are 24.3% higher than a year ago, while…

Biden Administration Releases Spring 2021 Regulatory Agenda

By growthzone | June 15, 2021

On June 11, the Biden administration released its Spring 2021 Unified Agenda of Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions. The agenda lists upcoming rulemakings and other regulatory actions from each agency that the administration expects to publish through the end of the year and into 2022.

Bipartisan Group of Senators Proposal Infrastructure Deal

By growthzone | June 15, 2021

A bipartisan group of U.S. Senators are seeking support from their colleagues and the White House on a tentative infrastructure package they negotiated last week, calling the plan a “realistic, compromise framework to modernize our nation’s infrastructure and energy technologies.”

Biden and GOP Abandon Infrastructure Talks

By growthzone | June 11, 2021

An administration official said Biden never agreed to shift coronavirus relief funds to pay for infrastructure – a major GOP request – and that Republicans never increased the price tag of their offer enough to satisfy Biden, who sought at least $1 trillion in new spending over current infrastructure spending levels.

News from Governor Cuomo’s 6-7-21 Press Conference

By growthzone | June 7, 2021

On Monday, June 7th Governor Cuomo held a press conference where he announced the following major changes to NYS COVID-19 policy: Effective today, NYS schools will no longer be mandated to require that students wear masks outdoors. The individual decisions will be up to local school districts Governor Cuomo says NY will be lifting ALL…

6/7/21 Federal Infrastructure Update

By growthzone | June 7, 2021

While no breakthrough seems imminent, infrastructure talks between President Biden and Senate Republicans continue as they try to reach an agreement on significant federal investment in the nation’s infrastructure. While Biden rejected Republicans’ proposal to add an additional $50 billion to their $928 billion counterproposal on infrastructure spending, according to a report last week from…
