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2024 ABC National Legislative Conference

This week, your Chapter Government Affairs team and the Board of Directors traveled to Washington, D.C., for our annual Legislative Conference. The two-day intensive conference dives into the numerous policy and regulatory changes that impact our industry. We heard from industry leaders across the country, including House Speaker Mike Johnson, about recent changes and how theyā€™ll reshape the landscape of merit/open shop construction.

We took that knowledge and attacked Capital Hill with a vengeance. Our team met with many members of our New York delegation to help educate them about the changes and how weā€™d like them to either support or oppose each issue. We spent much of our time with Congresswoman Stefanik and Congressman Lawler, two of the more influential members of our delegation. We also spoke with Congressmen Langworthy and Molinaro.

Sadly, but not surprisingly, some in the delegation chose not to take our meeting. The highlight of the trip included a personal tour of the Capitol, provided by Congresswoman Stefanikā€™s office, that culminated with the opportunity to get the best view in D.C from the Speakers Balcony. Over the coming weeks and months, our team will be delivering to you more information youā€™ll need to better navigate the changes and remain in compliance with new regulations.

Weā€™ll also share with you the candidates for election this fall that support the Empire State Chapter and all of you. Donā€™t forget about our upcoming PAC Legislative Breakfast in Albany (information is below). There are incredibly competitive races where ABC will need to be active to make sure we have the bast elected officials at the local, state and federal levels. As we always remind you:

Get into Politics or Get Out of Business!
